I have never made this before, but I would like to soon! It looks fun and easy to make! I like lip balms with beesewax in them, it seems more effective and it heales my lips.
The almond oil softens the skin, the glycerin and honey actully pull water out of the air and onto your lips, and the beeswax is supposed to keep the moisture from evaporating.
1 1/4 teaspoons tightly packed, cosmetic grade beese wax. (Available at art supply stores)
1/4 cup almond oil
Microwave safe bowl, a whisk
1 Tablespoon of honey
1/2 teaspoon glycerin (Available at drugstores)
Small containers with lids
Put the beesewax and oil in the bowl. Microwave on high until wax is melted, about three min. (The mixture will be very hot)
Stir to combine, then whisk in the honey and glycerin until the mixture is smooth. Pour into containers and let cool. Store balm in cool, dry place.
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