
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diamond in the Rough~

Diamonds have to go through alot before they actually look pretty. They must be cut, cleaned and polished before they can be used Just like the diamond, we as Christians have to go through alot before God can use us! Each diamond has a unique shape, and each diamond is cut so it has a beautiful luster. We are all unique, and we all are cut perfectly the way God wants us to be cut. But, God starts to work on us. Trials come, and hardships we wonder if we'll ever endure. "Why Lord? I can't believe this is happening!" As we stand and wait and wait, as we talk to someone we have a hard time talking with, and we learn to deal with these things, through it all, He is making a beautiful diamond out of us. Soon, someday in heaven, we'll have a beautiful, perfect shine, and we'll be the perfect diamonds! Be patient! Wait on the Lord, He's making a beautiful diamond out of you!

1 comment:

Abigail and Lydia said...

I hope that you had a good Easter! I haven't been on your blog lately because our computer wasn't working. I liked you post a lot.
Have a good day!