I like hot tea, esspecially on a winter day. Earle Gray is my favorite, and there is nothing like sitting down with a cup of it and taking small sips and savoring it! Sometimes, I'll make a cup of tea in the morning, and sip it throughout the day. God wants us to do the same with his word, not only read it in the morning, but he wants us to "sip" it throughout the day; say verses, and ponder it. I haven't been doing enough reading His word lately, so I just keep "siping" and now I'm getting kind of dry. I need to fill my "teacup" again with his word. I need to pray that He'll help me keep my teacup full. I don't want to be dry and thirsty. I need His word, that is where I get my source of strength and happiness. His word is where I get my victory when satan attacks.Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and quench this thirsting of my soul,Bread of Heaven, feed me 'till i want no more,fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
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