We should want to understand what we believe. We shouldn't just believe it because that's what the pastor says, or because its what everyone else believes. Yes, its okay to question as long as we do it properly. I don't want to go at it with a judgmental attitude. I want to find out why I should believe it, search into it, and most of all pray that God will open my eyes and help me to understand.
Suzannah Wesley at age 13, already had some of her own convictions and beliefs that were against her church and parents beliefs. She studied and read, and because she did that, she was able to understand some things that God showed her. People thought she was wrong and different and she was looked down on because of some things she disagreed with in the church of England, but she was able to understand some things that others didn't and God blessed her for seeking Him. Her two sons led a great revival after they relized that salvation was through the grace of God and that they could be saved.
We need to learn about our beliefs and convictions and we need to be careful about forcing those beliefs on others. If someone doesn't want to believe the same as I do, I don't want to be pushy about my beliefs or try to persuade them. They feel that this is God's will for their lives. If they are doing something wrong, I can pray for them! And most of all LOVE them! Show charity to them. Charity is love in action.
Even some Christian magazines and articles I've read can be very pushy, and they seem to think that because they believe things, I should too! I don't think that is right. Jesus when he came to this earth, never tried to force people into believing Him, or was pushy about his beliefs, He loved people and prayed for them, and laid his hands on people who were looked down upon in society. While there were some that didn't like Him for the truth He shared and the kindness and love he showed, there were others who just wanted to touch Him and see Him because they knew He cared and loved with God's love. and because of His love, many people came to believe on Him.
I pray that I don't seem pushy or like I am preaching at anyone when I write here!
Proverbs says "In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found." Sometimes it is hard to understand everything, but we still can understand some things! If we understand something, then we can be wise about it and be able to share with others the knowledge and wisdom we have found.
I can do something just because its what everyone else does or because its what I have to do. For example: I have been questioning and studying my beliefs in the the Bible I use, the King James Bible. I have had questions like; why do I use it? why should I? What is wrong with the other versions?
I could just use the Bible just because its what my parents and pastor use, but I wanted to understand why I am using it. Now that I understand why, I can be stronger in my faith, take a stand on my Bible, and trust my Bible, God's preserved Word. Now, I will have wisdom to share with others - Wisdom I have learned from studying into my Bible, and the wisdom I have from His Word, especially now that I am sure and grounded in the Bible.
So, I encourage you to understand your beliefs and convictions. Ask your parents questions, ask your pastor questions and ask God questions, He will show you in his word the answers.
Getting knowledge about something, whether its spiritual, political or whatever, will help us be strong and stand on what we believe.
"Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it...." Proverbs 16:22
"He that keepeth understanding shall find good." Proverbs 19:8
"A man of understanding walketh uprightly." Proverbs 15:21
That is so cool!!!!
Thank you Mariah! :)
I found a verse the other day that seems to go with your post: Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV) So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
True. We need to find out why we believe what we believe.
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