
Sunday, August 15, 2010

"What I need."

Just as the human body needs daily nourishment to maintain good health, the Christian needs daily spiritual refreshment from scripture. Knowing God's Word is the only way to live a life that pleases the Lord and to overcome the temptations we experience every day. There is no better way to start each day than by reading and meditating on God's word when our minds are fresh. It is not so much reading a book as it is listening to our heavenly Father as He gives us loving counsel for the day. He knows all our needs and delights to use us for His glory in Christ. An unknown poet has described the benefits of spending time with God as follows: "What I Need" I need a strength to keep me true And straight in everything I do; I need a power to keep me strong When I am tempted to do wrong; I need grace to keep me pure When passion tries its deadly lure; I need a love to keep me sweet When hardness and mistrust I meet

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