
Friday, May 21, 2010

Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain-1 Timothy 6:6

The contented man looks beyond his circumstances and sees a better day; The discontented man looks at his circumstances and sees no other day. The contented man understands the purpose for which he was born; The discontented man looks at others' success with a face that is filled with scorn. The contented man has surrendered to a purpose that demands his best; The discontented man has selfishly hoarded much, and grasping for more, he will not rest. The contented man has placed his values on things that will forever last; The discontented man places his values on things that will soon be past. The contented man is anchored to clear goals and hardly ever swayed ; The discontented man has no goals that can anchor him, and many times is dismayed. The contented man counts on his blessings and names them one by one; The discontented man counts others' blessings and thinks he has no fun. All of us live in two tents-content or discontent. In which tent do you live? ~J. Maxwell "...And be content with such things as ye have , for he hath said, I will never leave the nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5


Manda said...

This is very good! I have been thinking a lot on the word contentment. Really enjoyed this!

Tia said...

By the way, nice picture!