
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Becoming a Lady~

::Wouldn't it be nice if it were like the good old days? Women were ladies, and men were gentlemen.

I wish it were like that now.I am working on acting like a lady.

This is what being a lady means to me:

Being meek and humble.

Being willing to serve.


Careful in speech and tone.

Dressing modestly.

Knowing how to act in public, and at home.

Knowing when to speak and how to say it.

Knowing how to work.

Many unsaved young women days do not act like ladies. And I want to change that by being different. I want to be a godly lady that pleases the Lord by being ladylike


A book that we read in family devotions says:

"Let the world recognize you as a Christian! ...Stand up straight, sit up straight,and walk with a determination that there is something different about you! Have a pleasant expression on your face....... Be a joyful person to be around, and keep yourself from being offended by the rudeness of the world."

I was in the grocery store one day, when an older teenager behind me was just carelessly walking around. She didn't stand up straight, and the whole time she was walking around, she was dragging and shuffling her feet! It was so annoying to me, and it reminded me to stand up straight and pick up my feet when I walk! Its rude, and unpleasant for other people.


Modesty is something missing in our culture. It makes me sad to it!

We as christian young ladies should learn to be neat and clean when we go out, and to dress modestly.

A lady recently said to me;

"I should start wearing dresses. I used to. I don't know what got women wearing pants. I see you wearing skirts, and you look so nice that it makes me want to wear dresses."

I think wearing skirts is nice, I'm not against pants, but I think women should wear dresses at least to church. I prefer wearing dresses over pants. Its just a matter of opinion.


Sometimes, its not always a good time to speak! There are times to speak, and times to keep our mouths closed, and we must learn when to speak, and when not too! It truly makes a women a lady when she knows how to do this! I am working on this, and really, the only encouragement I have for you in this subject is to just keep praying!

Another piece from the devotional we read:

......"Be tactful in all of your conversations. Do not blurt out without thinking. Avoid discussing sensitive topics at the wrong time. At all times, examine your thoughts before speaking! Prov. 15:28; 12:18....."

ONE PERSON.........

One person can change alot! I hope that by learning to be a lady in this "unladylike" society, people will see a difference in me!

I pray that the Lord will let my light shine before men! Keep praying!



hannahlouise said...

Thanx for posting this Mariah!! I really should try be a bit more ladylike too!

Dakota - AYL editor said...

I've stolen your ideas from this post for the AYL list... hope you don't mind :)